Saturday, April 11, 2020

Listen to DJ Led Manville - Leak From Lockdown, Gate Two (2020)

In these turbulent and difficult times we are all living it is very important to dedicate a little of your time to disconnect your mind, to relax, to dream of something better. But it is also important not to forget where we come from and what has brought us here.
In the need to disconnect I recorded this set, with songs of great artists, great and dear friends all of them, that with their music my soul is able to dream again.

Now, more than ever, I invite you to dream. Stay healthy & safe :)

DJ Led Manville - Leak From Lockdown, Gate Two (2020) by DJ Led Manville on Mixcloud

Leak From Lockdown, Gate Two Playlist:

Friday, April 03, 2020

Listen to DJ Led Manville - Leak From Lockdown, Gate One (2020)

In these turbulent and difficult times we are all living it is very important to dedicate a little of your time to disconnect your mind, to relax, to dream of something better. But it is also important not to forget where we come from and what has brought us here.
In the need to disconnect I recorded this set, with songs of great artists, great and dear friends all of them, that with their music my soul is able to dream again.

Now, more than ever, I invite you to dream. Stay safe :)

DJ Led Manville - Leak From Lockdown, Gate One (2020) by DJ Led Manville on Mixcloud

Leak From Lockdown, Gate One Playlist: